디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

The World - it belongs to the West (for

ㅇㅇㅇ(112.169) 2010.01.12 00:13:01
조회 40 추천 0 댓글 0

The World - it belongs to the West (for now)
I\'m just a twenty something year old guy from Virginia living in Seoul and boy do you learn a lot when you try to analyze everything that happens around you.
I\'ve lived here for about seven years now and some things never get old.  The wonderful women, the night life.
But what really got me thinking was... how was it possible that a guy like myself could live here with the sort of status that I am living in right now?  Back in the States I\'d just be another nameless, faceless dude looking for jobs, complaining about the lack of quality skirt.  Here, I get paid really well, the life is easy, I get treated like a king (mostly anyway) and those who don\'t treat me well do it out of pure jealousy.  How did this come about?  And I realized, this was something far larger than me, myself.  It was the order of the world.
The funny thing is, on Youtube, you\'ll find a lot more video clips about Asian Male/White Female relationships than the opposite when in reality the opposite is true.  Why\'s that?  That\'s because it IS so rare.  Asian males feel bad about the fact that White men "steal" their women.  It brought me to a point where even I was curious as to what was going on.  Of course, most people don\'t care and just go on enjoying the benefits of the current situation, but call me curious because for some reason, no matter what, I just have to know.
And the world order is like this: we are living in a world where the West has already won.  The global medium of communication is English, the geniuses who revolutionized thought were Greek (the development of the concept of the autonomous individual), those who set the standards for art were Europeans and the largest companies in the world are generally for the most part American or European.
Colonization as well.  Europeans colonized lands far away from home, but other than the Moors who took Spain (and that was a long time ago), you can\'t claim the same for the opposite (yeah and there\'s a lot of minorities coming into Western countries but it\'s different because they\'re not coming in as conquerers, rather as laborers).
So that\'s the message of my first blog entry.
The West has won.  At least for now.  Accept it.
Next I will explain why things are the way they are.

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