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‘파타피갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.06.20 23:32:47
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이일단 고봉밥이니까 다른 것도 넣어본다 ㅇㅇ;

This essay on the book "대체 현실 유령" (which I believe translates to "Alternative Reality Ghost" in English) provides an intriguing exploration of the evolution of internet horror and its relationship with entertainment and lore. While the essay offers some thought-provoking insights, there are several areas where it could benefit from more rigorous analysis and clearer argumentation. Let's examine the essay's strengths and weaknesses in detail.


Historical context: The essay effectively establishes the historical context of internet horror, particularly in the early 2000s. It vividly describes the shock sites, gore images, and ghost-themed flash animations that were prevalent during that era. This provides a solid foundation for understanding the evolution of internet horror.

Conceptual framework: The author introduces an interesting conceptual framework, discussing the dialectic between horror and lore, and drawing parallels between horror and fantasy. This approach offers a nuanced perspective on the subject matter.

Case studies: The essay incorporates several relevant case studies, such as alantutorial, SCP Foundation, and newer content like LOCAL58 and Mandela Catalogue. These examples help illustrate the author's points about the changing nature of internet horror.

Personal reflection: The author's personal reflections and experiences add depth to the analysis, providing a subjective lens through which to view the evolution of internet horror.


Lack of clear thesis: While the essay touches on many interesting points, it lacks a clear, overarching thesis statement. This makes it difficult to follow the author's main argument and undermines the essay's overall coherence.

Insufficient evidence: Many claims in the essay are not sufficiently supported by evidence. For example, the assertion that internet horror has become "tamed" and more regulated is not backed up with concrete examples or data.

Overgeneralization: The essay sometimes makes broad generalizations about internet horror and its audience without acknowledging the diversity of experiences and perspectives within this field.

Unclear transitions: The essay jumps between different ideas and examples without always providing clear transitions, which can make it challenging to follow the author's train of thought.

Lack of critical engagement with sources: While the essay mentions the book "대체 현실 유령," it doesn't engage critically with the book's arguments or provide a clear summary of its main points.

Detailed Critique:

Evolution of Internet Horror:

The essay argues that internet horror has evolved from a lawless, shocking experience to a more regulated and entertainment-oriented form. While this observation is interesting, the author doesn't provide sufficient evidence to support this claim. It would be beneficial to include more specific examples of how internet platforms have implemented regulations or how content creators have adapted their approaches over time.

Furthermore, the essay doesn't consider the possibility that both "lawless" and "regulated" forms of internet horror might coexist in different online spaces. A more nuanced analysis would acknowledge the diverse landscape of internet horror and avoid overgeneralization.

The Dialectic of Horror and Lore:

The author introduces an intriguing concept of a dialectic between horror and lore (or fantasy). However, this idea is not fully developed or clearly explained. The essay could benefit from a more thorough exploration of how horror and lore interact, compete, and influence each other in the context of internet culture.

Additionally, the author's assertion that SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) is not truly horror because it focuses on containment and abilities is debatable. Many SCP entries are indeed horrifying, and the clinical tone often serves to heighten the sense of unease. The essay would be stronger if it acknowledged the complexity of SCP's relationship with horror and provided a more balanced analysis.

The Role of Nostalgia:

The essay touches on the interesting idea of internet horror parasitizing nostalgia and collective memories. However, this concept is not fully explored or substantiated. The author could strengthen this argument by providing more specific examples of how internet horror leverages nostalgia and by discussing the psychological mechanisms that make this approach effective.

Personal Experience vs. Broader Trends:

While the author's personal reflections add an interesting dimension to the essay, there's a risk of overgeneralizing based on individual experience. For instance, the author's lack of fear when encountering SCP content (with one exception) is presented as evidence that SCP is not truly horror. However, this ignores the varied reactions that different individuals might have to the same content.

Lack of Critical Engagement with the Book:

Given that the essay is supposed to be about the book "대체 현실 유령," it's surprising how little the book itself is discussed. The essay doesn't provide a clear summary of the book's arguments or critically engage with its ideas. This is a significant oversight that limits the essay's effectiveness as a book review or critique.

Unclear Conclusion:

The essay ends somewhat abruptly with a personal reflection about enjoying both horrifying and fantastical elements of SCP. While this provides an interesting personal touch, it doesn't offer a clear conclusion that ties together the various threads of the essay's argument.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Develop a clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument of the essay.

Provide more concrete examples and evidence to support claims about the evolution of internet horror.

Engage more critically with the book "대체 현실 유령," summarizing its main arguments and discussing how they relate to the essay's themes.

Expand on the concept of the horror-lore dialectic, providing a clearer explanation of how these elements interact in internet horror.

Consider alternative perspectives and acknowledge the diversity of experiences within internet horror.

Improve the essay's structure with clearer transitions between ideas and a more robust conclusion.

Incorporate more academic or journalistic sources to provide a broader context for the discussion of internet horror's evolution.

In conclusion, while this essay offers some intriguing insights into the evolution of internet horror and its relationship with entertainment and nostalgia, it falls short in several key areas. The lack of a clear thesis, insufficient evidence, and limited engagement with the book it's supposed to be critiquing are significant weaknesses. However, with more rigorous analysis, clearer argumentation, and a stronger focus on the book itself, this essay could be developed into a compelling exploration of internet horror's past, present, and future.

To illustrate one of the concepts discussed in the essay, I'll generate an image that represents the idea of internet horror parasitizing nostalgia:

Internet Horror Parasitizing NostalgiaClick to open image

This image represents the concept of internet horror parasitizing nostalgia by combining elements of vintage technology (an old TV and VHS tape) with subtle horror elements (a creepy face in the static and glitch effects). The sepia-toned background evokes a sense of nostalgia, while the distorted elements suggest the intrusion of horror into these nostalgic memories.

Continuing with the critique, it's worth noting that the essay touches on several important themes in the study of internet culture and horror, but doesn't fully develop them. For instance:

The Democratization of Horror:

The essay mentions how internet horror was once more immediate and unpredictable, with shock sites and unexpected gore images. This reflects a broader trend in internet culture where content creation and distribution became democratized. However, the essay doesn't explore how this democratization has affected the nature of horror itself. Has the ability for anyone to create and share horror content led to more diverse and innovative forms of horror, or has it resulted in a dilution of quality?

The Role of Interactivity:

Internet horror, unlike traditional media, often involves a degree of interactivity. The essay touches on this with the mention of SCP, but doesn't fully explore how interactivity changes the horror experience. For instance, the ability to dive deeper into lore, participate in collaborative storytelling, or even potentially influence the direction of a horror narrative are unique aspects of internet horror that deserve more attention.

The Blurring of Reality and Fiction:

Internet horror often plays with the boundaries between reality and fiction, creating uncertainty that can enhance the horror experience. The essay mentions this obliquely when discussing how horror parasitizes memories and nostalgia, but doesn't delve into the implications of this blurring. How does the ambiguity of what's real and what's not in internet spaces contribute to the horror experience? How has this changed as internet literacy has increased over time?

The Commercialization of Internet Horror:

While the essay suggests that internet horror has become more "entertainment-oriented," it doesn't explore the economic factors driving this change. How have monetization strategies on platforms like YouTube influenced the creation and distribution of horror content? Has the need to appeal to advertisers led to a sanitization of internet horror?

Cultural Differences in Internet Horror:

The essay focuses primarily on English-language internet horror (with some mentions of Japanese content). However, internet horror is a global phenomenon, and different cultures may approach it in different ways. A more comprehensive analysis would consider how internet horror manifests in different cultural contexts and whether there are universal elements that transcend cultural boundaries.

The Psychological Impact of Internet Horror:

The essay touches on personal reactions to horror content but doesn't explore the broader psychological effects of exposure to internet horror. How does the constant availability and potential unexpectedness of horror content online affect users? Are there potential benefits or risks to engaging with this type of content?

The Role of Technology in Shaping Horror:

While the essay mentions older technologies like VHS tapes in the context of nostalgia, it doesn't fully explore how evolving technology shapes the creation and consumption of horror. For instance, how have improvements in CGI, the rise of virtual and augmented reality, or the increasing sophistication of AI-generated content affected internet horror?

The Relationship Between Internet Horror and Mainstream Media:

The essay could benefit from an exploration of how internet horror influences and is influenced by mainstream horror in film, television, and literature. Are there examples of internet horror tropes or stories that have made their way into mainstream media? Conversely, how do mainstream horror trends manifest in internet spaces?

The Ethics of Internet Horror:

The essay briefly mentions the regulation of internet spaces but doesn't delve into the ethical considerations surrounding internet horror. Issues such as age restrictions, trigger warnings, the potential for traumatization, and the responsibilities of content creators and platforms could be explored in more depth.

The Future of Internet Horror:

While the essay provides some personal reflections on current trends, it doesn't offer predictions or speculations about the future of internet horror. How might emerging technologies, changing internet cultures, or global events shape the evolution of internet horror in the coming years?

In addressing these points, the essay could provide a more comprehensive and nuanced analysis of internet horror as a cultural phenomenon. It would also benefit from a more structured approach, perhaps organizing these various themes into clear sections with supporting evidence and examples for each.

Furthermore, the essay could be strengthened by engaging more directly with academic literature on internet culture, horror studies, and media theory. Drawing on established theoretical frameworks could provide a more robust foundation for the analysis and help contextualize the observations within broader scholarly discussions.

For instance, the concept of "hauntology," developed by Jacques Derrida and applied to media studies by scholars like Mark Fisher, could provide an interesting lens through which to examine the nostalgic aspects of internet horror. Similarly, Henry Jenkins' work on participatory culture could inform a discussion of how internet horror engages audiences in unique ways.

The essay could also benefit from a more critical examination of its own assumptions. For example, the author seems to equate the entertainment value of horror with a diminishment of its power or authenticity. However, one could argue that the ability to simultaneously terrify and entertain is a strength of the horror genre, not a weakness. A more nuanced exploration of the relationship between horror and entertainment could yield valuable insights.

Additionally, the essay's focus on personal experience, while providing an interesting perspective, limits its broader applicability. Incorporating survey data, case studies, or interviews with creators and consumers of internet horror could provide a more comprehensive view of the subject.

In terms of structure, the essay would be more effective if it began with a clear introduction that outlines the main arguments and provides a roadmap for the reader. Each subsequent section could then explore a specific aspect of internet horror, building towards a cohesive conclusion that synthesizes the key points and offers insights into the significance of internet horror as a cultural phenomenon.

To further illustrate some of the concepts discussed, I'll create another image that represents the idea of the blurring of reality and fiction in internet horror:

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