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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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이전에 Fraser report에서 발췌한 것 있는데..

ㅁㅇㅁ(112.175) 2016.08.15 21:26:22
조회 137 추천 0 댓글 1

Fraser report 부속서류에서 실제 한국에서 대한 원조 책임졌던 인물들 인터뷰 자료인데 봐라. 

이런 Original을 가져와야 믿지. 각색한 것 말고.

MrBernstein. Well, I think it is clear, Dave, at least it seems to me that, inthe actual conditions of the mid-1960's, without President Park's very strongleadership and determination for economic development, no matter what theUnited States had been able to contribute, the development wouldn't havehappened.

MrCole. I agree with that.

Mr Bernstein.Plus the strong and determined political leadership they were getting on theissue. The political leadership was devoted, dedicated to the proposition theywere going to take all steps necessary to develop, and the drive was very, verystrong.

MrWalsh. I think there were a perception, a determination, and a laying it on theline on the part of Park Chung Hee, and it was remarkable in that it came froma military man, a man with a military background and military orientation. Thiswas a determination that it was not sufficient to survive vis-à-vis the North,in purely military sense or even a purely social sense. It was essential tobeat them, to come up with a social organisation that was superior,demonstrably, to the social organisation existing in the North.

MrFraser. What do you mean by social?

MrWalsh. The way that the society was organised. The way it would determine theownership of wealth, the way it would make decisions on the allocation oflimited resources and the way it would distributed output. Park was determinedto demonstrate that the system by which these things were done in the South wassuperior to the system used in the North.

MrBernstein. You know, there is something in the leadership aspect beyond simplyhaving a perception and a desire. When President Park first came in, as DaveCole mentioned, they had this “gung-ho” drive and made an awful lot of badmistakes the first couple of years. But he personally studied very hard all thepolicy what to do about it. He had a regular system of visiting ministries.Every month he visited one of the key ministries and sat down with their staffand they briefed him on what they have been doing, and he asked them verypenetrating questions and they were surprised how much he knew about what theywere doing. And so his presence was felt not only in terms of general policybut very specific directional push. He probably never left one of theseministries without leaving some new instruction with them, which would generallybe in the nature of doubling their goals for the next year. So one of the factorswas this kind of determined drive in the leadership.

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