디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

아마존 여전사

ㅇㅇ(58.76) 2023.06.27 01:38:38
조회 44 추천 0 댓글 1

<lora:mangaGeneralStyleLora_v10Mature:0.4>, manga, greyscale, monochrome, The Amazons are a courageous tribe of warrior women in Greek mythology, also known in plural as "Amazones." They are believed to be descendants of the war god Ares and the goddess of harmony, Harmonia. It is thought that they resided in the coastal regions of the Black Sea, from the Aegean Sea to the Caucasus and the vicinity of Scythia. They worshipped the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, as their patron deity. Under the command of their queen, they engaged exclusively in warfare and hunting. To ensure unimpeded shooting with their bows, they reportedly removed their right breasts, which led to their name "Amazons" (meaning "without breasts" from the Greek "a-" for negation and "mazos" for breast). In addition to bows and spears, they also utilized crescent-shaped shields and were skilled horse riders. They had a custom of establishing relationships with men from other countries at designated times each year to secure progeny. It is said that they raised only female children, while males were either killed or maimed and presented to their fathers. The most renowned Amazonian settlement was Themiscyra, located in the Pontus region (southern coast of the Black Sea), where the hero Hercules visited and killed the queen Hippolyta to obtain her girdle. Theseus, the king of Athens, (according to one account, alongside Hercules) embarked on an expedition to the land of the Amazons and took Hippolyta's sister Antiope as his wife. As a result, the Amazons attacked Athens but were repelled. In the late stages of the Trojan War, Queen Penthesilea led a contingent of Amazon warriors to fight on the side of Troy but was ultimately defeated by the Greek hero Achilles. It is said that upon Penthesilea's death, Achilles was captivated by her beauty and treated her corpse with utmost respect, conducting a proper funeral.
DPM++ 2M Karras

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