디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

이 편지좀 해석 부탁드려요 !! 제발 ㅠㅠ

d 2006.02.24 15:18:24
조회 71 추천 0 댓글 1

Dear Sir/Madam, This mail may come to you as a suprise,please i apologise for the inconvinencies. To introduce my self my name is Mr Philip Megan,the Legal Adviser of Mr Andreas Petermann,from the Republic of Germany,who died on the saturday 22nd october 2005,in a ill fated Bell-view Airlines flight (Aircraft No:B3210).Which crashed at Lisa village,near Ifo Ogun state-Nigeria.The accident happen on a saturday,you would had gotten the full stories in the CNN and BBC News. Mr Peterman Andreas is 36 years of age and He is survived by a wife and one child,presently his wife is in state of coma since she heard of Her husband death. Meanwhile the deceased Mr Andreas Peterman,before his death He work with Economic Communities Of West African States(ECOWAS),he is the Manager of Ecowas Statistics Development Project (ECOSTAT) European Commission. Please,why i contacted you is because,in his File with me as his Legal Adviser i discovered something that will be of benefit for you and for me,when i was going through his private file,in the file,it was a project He was about to set up in Republic of Cotonou-Benin and the project is to start from December 2005,and He has already deposited the fund for the project in a Security Company here in Benin,Cotonou and the amount for the project is $45 million united states Dollars. The Security Company does not know about the project,to be frank and sincere with you.I know about the project and the very day He went to deposit the fund,we were together,Mr Andreas Peterman,and my very self.The fund was deposited as a family belonging treasures. Please i beg you to join hands with me so that we can get the deposited family treasures from the security company and part of it,we will use it to help the deceased family,you get some part of the fund and myself get some part of the fund. If interested send to me,your full contact such as: Name,telephone and fax number for the change of ownership and also the certificate of deposit. I want to hear from you shortly. Your's Faithfully, Mr Philip Megan.

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