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영어선생 2006.02.22 22:57:13
조회 226 추천 0 댓글 1

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(실수를 용납하지않는 시험이 요즈음의 시험입니다) 구체적으로 말하면 쉽고 평범한 문제를 실수하지 않고 난이도 있는 어휘에서 1문제 정 도, 문법과 영작의 1~2문제정도, 독해의 1~2문제 정도를 어떻게 푸는가가 합격을 좌우한 다는 것입니다. 정말로 합격을 위하여 공부하시려면.......................................먼저어휘는 아 침, 점심, 저녁으로 10여분씩 매일 단어암기를 생활화하시면 쉬운 어휘로 실수하는 불상 사도 없을것이고 보다 난이도 있는 문제도 해결할 수 있을것이라 확신합니다. 시중의 모든어휘책과 모든 학원의 어휘강의가 어근, 어미, 접두어를 따져서 강의를 하는 데 실제시험은 그러한 어휘들이 출제되지 않습니다. 접두어, 어근, 어미를 따져보면 전반적인 영어의 단어를 바라보는 안목은 분명히 넓어지 는 것만은 사실입니다. 하지만 여러분이 생각해보면 바로 알수 있듯이 어휘성문제가 9문제정도 출제되고  3~4문제가 출제되는데 출제자가 수험생들이 그단어의 뜻을 모르는데 접 두어, 어미, 어근만 보면 뜻을 알수있는 그런문제를 출제할까요? 출제하지 않습니다. 아마 여러분에게 행자부에서 어휘문제를 출제해달라고 부탁을하면 여러분도 그런문제 는 절대로 출제하지 않을것입니다. 본인의 주장이 믿기지 않으시다면 인근서점에가셔서 10년동안 출제되었던 문제중 에서 어휘문제만 모아보면 바로 알수 있습니다. 제 생각에는 접두어, 어미, 어근을 아는것도 중요하지만 시험에서 보다 더 중요한것은 응 시하고자 하는 시험에 얼마나 더 적절하게 공부해야하는가가 훨씬 더 중요합니다. 접두어, 어근,어미에 너무 치중하지말고 매일 아침, 저녁으로 어휘 반복하시고 문법은 절 대로 불규칙은 출제되지 않습니다. 규칙만출제되므로 규칙을 암기하시고 문제에 적용시 키는 적용훈련을 하시면 모든 영어시험에 자신있으리라 생각됩니다. 단, 영작은 대개 문법과 구문이 많이 출제되므로 문법과 구문을 암기하시면 쉽게 해결되고  영작은 구문을 비롯하여 문법..... 요즈음은 특히 단어의 흐름과 관련된 영작이 많이 출제되고 있 습니다. 독해는 쉬운 문제는 누구나 풀수있어서 합격을 좌우하지는 못하지만 그래도 실수 하면 안되므로 한번정도는 Reading skill을 읽히시는게 바람직하다고 생각됩니다. 또한, 요즈음 문제추이가 지문이 긴 장문형태이므로 속독연습 또한 게을리 하면 안될 것 입니다. 그러나, 무엇보다도 더욱더 중요한것은 합격을 좌우하는 난이도있는 1~2문제를 해결하 는것이 관건이겠지요. 난이도있는 독해는 Reading skill이 통하지 않습니다. 문장속에 어려운 단어 몇 개가 들 어있어서 그단어를 해결하고 전반적인 내용을 정확하게 파악할때 난이도 있는 독해문제 가 풀리게 되어 있습니다.그러므로 독해의 정확도를 높이기위하여 또는 합격을 좌우하는 난이도 있는 문제를 해결하려면 독해와 관련된 문법을 읽히면서 정독도 꼭 필요함니 다. 물론, 단어를 모르면 독해는 불가능하기때문에 독해공부의 70%는 단어암기라해도 과언이 아닐것입니다. 지금부터 다음 시험일까지 아침, 점심, 저녁으로 매일 10여분씩 단어를 암기하시면 다음 에 있을 시험에서는 독해문제를 풀때 단어가 막히는 일은 절대로 발생하지 않을것이며 합격을 좌우하는 한 두개의 독해문제까지 해결되어 반드시 합격할 수 있을리라 생각됩니 다. 무더운 여름에 공부하느라 고생하는 수험생들에게 도움될까해서 적어봤는데 두서없 게 느껴지네요. 말로하면 잘 전달할수있을것 같은데 글 재주가없어서 여러분께 도움이 될런지 모르겠네 요. 더더욱, 컴퓨터 타이핑이 서툴려서 이글을 적는데 1시간10분이걸린것이니까 ...두서 없어도 읽어보시고 공부하는데 참고하여 합격하는데 도움이 되었으면 합니다.......... .............................................................................................................................................................. (참고)최근5~6년간기출문제분석할때 어휘문제만모아보고 독해문제만모아보고 문법영작 문제만모아보면 어휘는 어떻게출제되고 독해는 어떻게출제되고 문법영작은 어떻게출제 되는지 출제유형이 바로분석됩니다. 서점에가서 분석해보시고 그분석에 맞추어 공부하십 시오.그러면 반드시 합격하리라 믿습니다. To determines the prevalence of positive serology for Helicobacter pylori in workers of to zinc´s refinery. Material and Methods: We included employees that had to their vacational check-up between July and September 2003. Of 501 workers, we recollected 92 participants, dwells than the sample size calculated in 80 workers (with to confidence level of 99,99%). The ELISA for test was used the quantitative detection of IgG against Helicobacter pylori (GAP-IgG ELISA, Biomerica, the USA) in the venous blood of the workers. There were reported ace positive those values > 20 U/ml, negative < 12,5 U/ml and inconclusive those values between 12,5 and 20U/ml. Only 4 were women, because of that we didn't analyze the results by sex. Results: 57 (61.96%) had to positive serology against Helicobacter pylori, 22 (23.91%) were negative, and 13 (14.13%) had an inconclusive result. (Rev Med Hered 2004;15:151-154). KEYWORDS: Helicobacter pylori, serology, prevalence. SUMMARY Objective: To determine the prevalence of positive serología for Helicobacter pylori in workers of a zinc refinery. Material and Methods: They included in the study the workers who went for their pre-vacacional control between the months of July to September of the 2003. Of 501 workers, they were selected to 92, obtaining a so large sample of 80 people at a level of confidence of the 99.99%. For the serológico examination, the test of ELISA for quantitative detection of specific IgG against Helicobacter was used pylori (GAP-IgG ELISA, Biomerica, the USA) by means of venous blood of the participants. Was considered like positives to 20 values > U/ml, negatives < 12,5 U/ml and suspects between 12,5 and 20 U/ml. Only 4 were of feminine sex, reason by which, the study was not done separating groups by sex. Results: Of 92 workers, 57 (61.96%) they presented/displayed positive serología for Helicobacter pylori, 22 (23.91%) were negative, whereas 13 (14.13%) had a doubtful result (suspicious). (Rev Med Hered 2004;15:151-154). KEY WORDS: Helicobacter pylori, serología, prevalence. INTRODUCTION In 1984 Marshall and Warren they isolated negative a Gram bacillus, espirilado, movable, flagellated, in the gastric mucosa of patients with diagnosis of gastritis and peptic ulcer (1). This finding was received with interest by some Universities in Europe, the United States of North America and in South America, specifically in Peru, by the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia (2). At its moment, the report of Marshall and Warren, was received with much skepticism at world-wide level. But at the present time it is accepted that this germ, today known like Helicobacter pylori, is the causal infectious agent of the chronic gastritis B type and peptic ulcer (3,4), that antibiotic treatment for its eradication requires (4). In addition one is involved in some types of gastric cancer (5). , most of people nevertheless infected (> 70%) they are asintomáticos (6). Is group of Physiology Gastrointestinal of University Peruvian Cayetano Heredia and of University of Johns Hopkins the one that it has made the greater contributions to national Literature on data epidemiologists of the distribution of this germ in different groups from the Peruvian population (, whose results agree with the described thing in the Literature of approximately 60% of positividad, for a population developing average of countries. As it is well-known, the prevalence of the infection by Helicobacter pylori, is greater in populations of few resources (by which is greater in countries developing with respect to industrialized countries). In addition the age to which the contact happens to the germ is much smaller in countries developing. It is for that reason that using serología to determine the prevalence of infection in Peruvian children, Leon, Recavarren and Ramirez they find that 60% are infected before the 10 years (2). With the aid of invasive methods, at beginnings of 90´s one determined that the frequency of infection by Helicobacter pylori was similar in dispépticos patients of the different regions from the country and in the different socioeconomic levels (2). More recent studies in developed countries show to the diminution of the infection by Helicobacter pylori and therefore the diminution of the diverse associate pathologies (2,13). Of the same form, the Peruvian population pertaining to the socioeconomic groups would be behaving average and high, that also show to a diminution of the prevalence of infection by Helicobacter pylori (14). Because it is not had global population studies to national level, it is important to document socioeconomic data in different geographic regions, times and layers. The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of positive serología for Helicobacer pylori, in workers of a zinc refinery. MATERIAL And METHODS A nonrandom sample of the workers of a zinc refinery, located in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho-Chosica, province of Lima studied, department of Lima. This refinery has 501 workers, who by their levels of monthly income are located in the socioeconomic class average or discharge. Using the formula for nonrandom population studies, a so large sample of 80 people at a level of confidence of the 99.99% was obtained. For the selection of the participants, one took venous blood samples to all the workers who went to the Medical Service for their pre-vacacional control between the months of July to September of the 2003, being able to collect 92 participants. It is possible to stand out that the company determines in that month their pre-vacacionales examinations will pass the workers, not used them. For the serológico examination, the test of ELISA for quantitative detection of specific IgG against Helicobacter was used pylori (GAP-IgG ELISA, Biomerica, the USA). According to indications of the manufacturer, one considered positives to the 20 values > U/ml, negatives < 12,5 U/ml and suspects between 12,5 and 20 U/ml. The test was made by trained personnel in the handling of kit respective, in the laboratory of the Medical Service of the refinery. For the analysis of the data program EPI-INFO was used version 5.3. RESULTS The studied sample included 92 workers who correspond at average or high socioeconomic level. Only 4 people were of feminine sex, reason by which, the study was not done separating groups by sex. Of 92 workers, 57 (61.96%) they presented/displayed positive serología for Helicobacter pylori, 22 (23.91%) were negative, whereas 13 (14.13%) had a doubtful result (suspicious). The distribution by etáreos groups of the cases with positive serología, is detailed in the N°1 table. DISCUSSION The Helicobacter pylori is one of the pathogenic bacteria more common in the human being. Seroepidemiológicos retrospective studies show that the infection, mainly is acquired in the childhood (13). The primary infection in adults, or reinfección after the satisfactory eradication is little common in developed countries, with a present incidence of 0.3­0.7% (6). Esteem that in countries in via of development, the reinfección incidence is between 6­14% (6). Nevertheless, national studies demonstrate that the reinfección can arrive at as high numbers as from 23% after an eradication with effective antibiotic treatment, in population of socioeconomic layer under (15). Although the Helicobacter pylori does not enter direct bonding with the weave, he is able to trigger a severe inflammation in the gastric mucosa and to cause in blood a reaction of antibodies of different quantifyable intensity and (2, 13). The Helicobacter pylori can be detected by means of invasive methods like in endoscopía by histología, culture or test of ureasa; and noninvasive methods like serológicas tests, test of úrea in the breath, test of fecal antigen (2, 13). The numerous serológicas tests available, are based on the ELISA technique that detects levels of IgG, inmunoglobulina that has one more a more intense answer, than the one of IgA or IgM. The fast result, the easy accomplishment and low cost are the main advantages of this test (2, 13). Because one has demonstrated to his utility in studies epidemiologists of population groups, including retrospective studies to determine the prevalence and incidence of this infection (2,13); and in the pursuit after treatment (16), with a sensitivity and specificity near 91% in average for both (17), it was chosen as the test to be used in this study. It is possible to emphasize that studies exist that combine serológicas tests and endoscopía in greater of 50 years (18), soon to initiate treatment; but in minors of 50 years the treatment frequency post endoscopía is low, generally only with serológicas tests begins treatment (18). According to the national studies, the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori is in 60% of the population, oscillating between 30 to 90% around. Our study finds a prevalence of 61,96% in the studied workers, which agrees with other studies (2,4,8,13). It is possible to emphasize that if we considered to the suspects like positives, the prevalence would be of 76,09%, value that still would be considered like expectable for our population. When analyzing the positividad by etáreos groups, we see that comparing the group of 40 to 49 years with the one of 50 to 59 years, demonstrates an increase of 14,04%, which is coherent with other studies, that find greater prevalence to greater age (11). The number of workers between 35 to 39 years, as well as the one of 60 to 64 years is very small like making inferences of these groups. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1.Marshall B, Warren R. Unidentified curved bacilli in the stomach of with gastritis and peptic ulceration. Lancet 1984;1:1311-15. 2.Leon R, Recavarren S, Ramirez A. The Peruvian contribution to the investigation on Helicobacter pylori. Rev Med Hered 1991;2(4):73-181. 3.Nomura To, Stemmermann Grant N, Po-Huang Chyou, Perez-Perez G, Blaser M. 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Higuereta - Furrow It files 33 - Peru smedico@cajamarquilla.com.pe lidile2002@yahoo.com

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1171 ***** 영어공부를 하자 3. 동사(3) mazola 06.03.03 153 0
1170 ***** 영어공부를 하자 3.동사 (2) [3] mazola 06.03.03 218 0
1169 [질문] when 파트에서 will 사용가능? [2] ㄷㄱ 06.03.03 113 0
1168 ***** 영어공부를 하자 3.동사(1) [1] mazola 06.03.03 222 0
1167 다시 한번 더 [2] 55 06.03.03 52 0
1166 번역 해주실 착하신 영갤러를 찾습니다 ㅠ_ㅠ [3] 양신 06.03.03 125 0
1165 영어 단어 외우는 방법 [3] 06.03.03 429 0
1163 영어캐붕신의 질문2 좀 답변으로좀갈켜주세요... [3] 노력의승리? 06.03.03 99 0
1162 평촌에 시사어학원다닐려고하는데여 voteforpedro 06.03.03 143 0
1161 제가 영어 캐붕신인데 이거좀갈켜주세요 [6] 노력의승리? 06.03.03 158 0
1160 이거 해석좀 해주세요 너무 어려워서요 [4] 이거 해석좀 06.03.02 146 0
1159 고3학생인데요, 원서로 공부하고 싶어서요. [2] 사고력 06.03.02 274 0
1158 이번에 고 1 되는 학생입니다.. 영어에 대한 상담좀 해주세요 [3] lee 06.03.02 121 0
1156 영어 필기체를 잘 아시는 고수님들 쫌 봐주십시오. [7] 스턀쟁이 06.03.02 312 0
1155 재롱님 !! 그리고 그이외의 유능한 영어선생님들 질문좀여.. ㅠ [4] 영어개초보 06.03.02 206 0
1153 요거 해석점 훃아들 [1] ㅁㄴㅇ 06.03.02 77 0
1152 장쯔이랑 이연걸 등등 중국배우는 왤케 영어를 잘하는거야?? [6] 200 06.03.02 329 0
1151 문장을 몇형식으로 나누는거 필요한거에요? [16] ㄹㄹ 06.03.02 284 0
1150 부사, 형용사 위치에 대한 질문. [2] 06.03.02 109 0
1149 정말 간절히 영어를 잘하고 싶어요...조언좀 주세요 [1] 영어바보 06.03.02 155 0
1148 this page is not [2] 오덕후 06.03.02 113 0
1146 형들. 도무지 모르겟다 해석좀해줘 --; [1] 1 06.03.02 117 0
1143 형들 부사 전치사도 제대로 모르는 놈인데 질문좀 [5] 잉글리쉬 06.03.02 186 0
1142 형들 토익공부 조언좀해줘 [1] cys 06.03.02 167 0
1140 "그분들은 잠시 외출하셨습니다. 나중에 다시 전화걸어주십시오."를 영어로.. [1] . 06.03.02 363 0
1139 이게 맞나? [1] del 06.03.02 78 0
1138 영어 문제위주로 나와있는책없어요? [2] 영어개초보 06.03.02 134 0
1137 영어 공부 상담요ㅠㅠ [1] 킁킁킁 06.03.02 107 0
1136 짧은 문장 영어 번역좀 부탁드릴께요 [2] R 06.03.02 112 0
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